Tuesday, August 26, 2008

border battle

As of late, i have been neglecting the house again and have been back on the bike. Here is a recap of what has happened in the last few races.
the border battle was a blast of an event.
it was near the twin cities, and as a result, i rode out there with maciej and schutte. what a fucking blast of a trip it was. it was like being in the firehouse, only in the confines of an auto. maciej came out swinging on the way and well needless to say it was one of the best trips i have had in a car for some time.
the race was great, i had some bad ass legs and was able to finish 4th overall behind the respectable Joe Curtes. there were two others that were a touch ahead of us, and by the looks of it, i should be in a great state to take a win at rhinelander as i have the first wave start and Joe not being there. i would still like to beat Joe fair and square, as i will still have two shots to do so.

1 comment:

Maciej said...

Co jest misiu ?
update swoj Blog.